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We have a wishing well/drop off area located underneath the grand staircase.
As worshippers come in on Sunday mornings, or anytime during the week, they can find collection baskets for no longer needed items that various organizations can use to support their programs. See list of items below. There is also a 3x5 card in a plastic stand on the shelf of the Wishing Well with the list of items that are being collected. Feel free to take one home with you.
Wishing Well Care and Share Items
Welcome Anytime!
-Hearing Aids
-Ink Cartridges
-Plastic Caps and Lids (see list of acceptable items posted at the Wishing Well)
-Postage Stamps (canceled)
No preprinted or metered stamps. Trim around stamps leaving 1/4" edge around them to preserve the fringe.
-Pull Tabs from Aluminum Cans
-Toiletry Items (new, any size)
Wishing Well
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