God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. (Psalm 46:1-2)
As Hurricane Helene moved up the eastern coast of the U.S. in late September, it became a post-tropical cyclone that brought excessively heavy rainfall to areas across upper East Tennessee and western North Carolina. This triggered flooding that resulted in widespread devastation and numerous fatalities. Homes, vehicles, and public buildings were wiped out due to the raging flood waters. The people in upper East Tennessee and western North Carolina learned firsthand about the earth giving way and mountains being engulfed by water. Entire buildings, homes, businesses, power and water infrastructure, along with roads and bridges were washed away. In addition to lifting up our prayers for victims, their families, emergency responders, and volunteers, CCTV Mission Outreach immediately went to work to provide essential supplies.
Purdy Brothers Trucking Company in Loudon donated the use of an 18-wheeler truck and driver so that we could collect and transport essential supplies to be used across the flood-stricken area. As the Mission Team worked to make all the arrangements for this shipment, it was obvious that God’s hand was on our efforts. When obstacles came our way, pathways were opened to make a way for us to complete preparation of this shipment. Volunteers showed up exactly when they were needed, as did equipment for loading. Thanks to the generosity and the support of our community, CCTV sent 16 pallets of water, pallets of paper products, a pallet of power bars, diapers for infants and adults, and medical equipment to the Northeast Tennessee Disaster Relief Center.

​Our second shipment of essential items donated by our congregation was delivered by CCTV volunteers to Unicoi County Care and Share, a faith-based ministry located in Erwin, Tennessee. (https://uccareandshare.org/)

On November 16, CCTV Mission Outreach partnered with Compassion Ministries, Inc. to set up a mobile food pantry in Newport, Tennessee, an area with significant flooding damage. Over $100,000 worth of fresh and non-perishable food was given out to 600+ families at the Walmart parking lot. Each family left with about $400 worth of food. Many stories were shared with the volunteers about the depth of loss that has been experienced in the Newport area due to the flooding. Your continuing prayers will help to uplift and comfort those who are working to recover from this disaster.

MONETARY DONATIONS may be given by check to CCTV with the designation of “Disaster Relief Fund” in the memo line or online by selecting “Disaster Relief Fund” in the drop-down menu.
Recovery from this disaster will continue for a very long time. In the coming weeks, we will continue to stay in contact with officials in the disaster areas and update you on new ways to help as we learn more about the continuing needs.
QUESTIONS? Email mission@tellicochurch.org
In the meantime, we ask that you would be in prayer with us for the individuals affected by this storm and that you would consider joining us in one of the above ways to help our neighbors in need. We pray for peace and hope in the recovery efforts.
Thank you for your contributions -- YOU have made a difference!