Our Story
We are part of a community church movement birthed in the Civil Rights Movement. At a time in America when true integration was virtually impossible, our forbearers brought into being the International Council of Community Churches– the largest interracial Christian fellowship in North America (and perhaps the world). The International Council of Community Churches has been, since its inception, a recognized leader in working toward Christian unity both nationally and internationally.
While being a part of this great movement, our church body functions and operates autonomously from the ICCC.
For more information on the ICCC click here.

An interdenominational community church in Tellico Village was the brainchild of Dr. Robert Puckett, who was then pastor of the Norris Religious Fellowship in Norris, Tennessee, and president of the International Council of Community Churches.
Dr. Puckett wrote a letter to developer John Cooper proposing the crazy idea of an interdenominational Community Church in the newly developed community of Tellico Village.
After several exchanged correspondence, meetings with the new village residents, the church was born. On Palm Sunday, March 13, 1988 our first official worship service was held. That service, led by Founding Pastor Carl Burke - a retired minister who agreed to serve without pay - was held at the home of Art and Iris Spurrier. Eleven people attended. Faith is what led those 11 people to attend that service and to commit themselves personally, spiritually, and financially to attempt a goal that seemed impossible to some, but seemed God-inspired to them.
That was the beginning of an amazing spiritual journey for the people of the Community Church. Intentionally started to bring people together across denominational lines, the Community Church has become one of the largest churches in East Tennessee with strong outreach ministries that serve the needs of countless people throughout Loudon and Monroe counties. Over 1,000 members now carry on the work started by those eleven who attended that first service!
We’re sure our founding members had no idea of the impact that their actions would have on this community. The same is true today. What we do now for our Lord, will have a ripple effect for generations to come, as we follow the example set before us, and continue to be faithful servants.