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Thanks for checking out our Music & Worship ministry!

Great things are happening in our Music Ministry these days as we prepare for the upcoming season of making music together. Well over 100 singers, ringers and children participate weekly in our music ministry to bring God honoring music into our worship services.  Our music ministry provides people of all ages and skill levels and opportunity for fellowship, creativity and service as we offer our talents to the Lord.  We have plenty of room for new people and now may be the perfect time to get involved in one of these exciting groups.  Take a moment to see what the music ministry is doing and prayerfully consider how you might fit in and join the music ministry family in service to God and our church.  If you’d like more information or want to join, contact John Orr or call the church office. 


Let’s play our Instruments!

We periodically use instruments in worship and would love to do it more often. While we sometimes do hire professionals as guest soloists, we would love to use our own players more often to accompany hymns, choirs or handbells or for simple solos.  If you play (or have played) an instrument and would like to help us with this from time to time, please contact John Orr and let him know of your interest. Let’s get those instruments out of storage and start making music with them!


The Chancel Choir

The Chancel choir serves as the worship choir each week for the 10:30 worship service and at special services throughout the year.  The choir rehearses each Wednesday night (September – May) at 7:00 and on Sunday mornings at 9:30.  The Chancel Choir sings a wide variety of sacred music from all traditional and contemporary styles. Some music reading ability is needed but there is no audition to join.  


Handbell Choirs

We have a handbell choir that plays monthly in worship and for special services.  The handbell choir also attends an annual handbell festival with other ringers in the area. The handbell choir rehearses each Tuesday afternoon from 3:00 to 4:00.  


CCTV Concert Series

Each year our music department sponsors a Fine Arts Series. The series brings in talent from all over the country to sell-out crowds in our sanctuary. Click here for a list of upcoming programs through our Fine Arts Series. If you would like to become a sponsor of the series, e-mail John Orr.


Our Pipe Organ

The beautiful pipe organ that graces the chancel of our main Sanctuary is a one-of-a-kind instrument built by Cornel Zimmer Organ Builders. The three-manual organ consists of about 2,600 pipes in 42-ranks. What makes this organ unique is that many of its pipes and mechanics originate from an 1862 Henry Erben instrument rescued from the demolition of a Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn, New York. We love to remember that these rescued pipes first sang their songs of faith when Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States. The Erben pipes were matched with modern pipework and mechanics to form this marvelous instrument that blends together the past and present, Protestant tradition and Catholic, and gives witness to our church’s commitment to Christian unity. This beautiful instrument was built at roughly one-third the cost of a traditional pipe organ.


Special Services

Our church follows the traditional church calendar; we offer special services throughout the year as we observe Advent, Christmastide, Epiphany, Lent, and Easter to name a few. The following seasonal services are offered on a yearly basis:

  • Community Church Christmas

  • Service of Hope & Remembrance

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

  • Ash Wednesday Service

  • Maundy Thursday Service

  • Good Friday Meditation

  • Easter Sunrise Services

  • Veteran’s Day Service


Sunday Servants

It takes hundreds of people every Sunday to offer the quality worship experience we enjoy every week at the Community Church. There are myriad ways you can get involved from serving as a greeter, usher, communion server, choir member, coffee host, video operator, and many more. Contact the church office if you would like to become one of our many Sunday Servants.

Music Ministry

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