Sacred in the Ordinary: A Lenten Journey invites us to discover the presence of God in the everyday objects and moments of our lives. Too often, we seek the divine in the extraordinary while overlooking the sacred that surrounds us daily. This Lenten season, we will journey together through Scripture, reflecting on common, tangible items—dust, bread, coins, oil, and more—that God has used throughout history to reveal His grace and call His people deeper into faith. Each week, we will see how these simple objects point us toward profound spiritual truths—our dependence on God, the call to generosity, the cost of discipleship, and the joy of resurrection hope. As we prepare our hearts for Easter, this series will challenge us to slow down, pay attention, and recognize that even in the most ordinary things, God is speaking, shaping, and transforming us.
2025 Lenten Schedule
March 5 - Ash Wednesday (6:00)
Dust and Ashes
Sunday, March 9
Bread of Life
Sunday, March 16
The Shelter of the Cross
Sunday, March 23
Coins of the Kingdom
Sunday, March 30
Oil of Gladness
Sunday, April 6
The Cup of Suffering and Salvation
Sunday, April 13 - Palm Sunday
Branches of Peace
April 17 - Maundy Thursday (6:00)
The Towel of Service
April 18 - Good Friday (12:00-3:00)
Self-Guided Meditation
Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday
The Stone Rolled Away
Sunrise Service @ Rarity Bay and Kahite (6:45)
Worship Service @ CCTV (9:00 & 10:30)

Lent is the 40-day period leading up to Easter that marks the journey of Christ to the cross. It is a time to reflect on our faith, both in belief and practice. Some may choose to fast from common indulgences such as sweets or meats. Others choose to spend the time honing their faith practices in prayer, Bible study, and giving. This year during Lent, CCTV is offering an opportunity to reflect on our faith through a series of lunchtime lectures. These Lenten Lunch ‘n Learns will take place on most Thursdays during Lent from noon until one in the Fellowship Hall. The program will have the option of a brown bag lunch for $6. Reservations are not required to attend the program but ARE required to reserve a lunch. You are invited to bring your own lunch if desired. Week one will include Victoria’s famous chicken salad sandwiches, and reservations can be made on Sundays in the Narthex each week, at the sessions a week in advance, or by calling the church office. Featured speakers and programs are listed below:
March 6: The Passion Narrative through Art
Led by Pastor Katie, this lecture highlights famous and lesser-known pieces of art that have been inspired by Jesus’ journey to the cross..
March 13: The Passion through Music
Enjoy a sampling from the buffet of musical examples inspired by The Passion of Christ from Bach to Parton with Marjorie Stephens, CCTV member and retired Area Coordinator for Voice/Opera at UT.
March 20: Stories of War - Faith Amid Suffering
This session will include a panel discussion on how faith informs our suffering and how suffering affects our faith. Panelists include: Anne Cloud (US Airforce flight nurse), Mavis McLean (British Royal Airforce nurse), and Mike Kitchens (founder of Smoky Mountain Service Dogs), and moderated by Scott Duncan (Grief Share Leader).
March 27: Hoping for Spring - Spiritual Renewal after Winters of Doubt
Led by Rev. Dr. William McDonald, chair of Religion and Philosophy and Associate Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts at Tennessee Wesleyan University. This lecture examines two church fathers from the past, Martin Luther and John Wesley, as they dealt with spiritual doubt and anxiety.
April 3: Women in the Passion Narrative
Led by Rev. Ingrid Schalk, retired pastor at Our Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, this lecture highlights the role of women during Jesus’ final days.
April 10: A Dramatic Retelling of the Passion
We prepare our hearts for Holy Week with a dramatic reading of monologues written by our own Debra Thompson and performed by various church members.
The Lunch n’ Learn series is open to the greater Tellico Village community, so we hope you bring a friend or neighbor. May our Lenten journey be enriched through the company of a suffering Savior.
